Becky is a prayer coach who equips women in strategic & visionary prayer so that they not only pray powerfully, but train their children & families in order to create a legacy of prayer for generations to come. She believes that a woman as the child’s first teacher in life has the opportunity to mold her children in prayer
from conception.
Becky served as a women’s prayer cell group leader for over 10 years where she trained her group in warfare prayer. In addition to coaching women, she mentors younger ladies in prayer and all things pertaining to godliness. She loves to teach – she is forever a Sunday school teacher as she gets to teach children how to pray with purpose. Becky also hosted children’s bible studies weekly in her home for many years.
Becky is passionate about mentoring women in prayer to win in life, love, and business to destroy the kingdom of darkness. Using the power of technology, she is on a mission to raise prayer warriors that will turn the world upside down and bring God’s glory to earth. She simplifies complex problems and creates step by step actionable and timely strategies that increase faith and bring answers.
The important question Becky wants to answer through her coaching is, “How can we pray better and effect change in our lives, families, communities, nations, and the world?”
Prayer - What It Isn't & What It Is written by Becky Bunei
Get Equipped with the tools to understand what kind of father God is
• Increase your confidence in prayer
• Teach your loved ones these truths & Build a strong foundation
•Pray effectively
• And so much more!
Prior to working with Coach Becky, I prayed with doubt and fear; having her as my mentor has helped me grow closer to the Lord. I now pray boldly and my faith is strong. She has trained me on warfare prayer and taken my spiritual and prayer life to a higher level. Through her step-by-step coaching, she has shown me how to create powerful scripture prayers, exercise my faith, and expel doubt even when answers don't come immediately
Becky’s coaching has enriched and empowered my prayer life. With her step by step practical coaching, she has shown me how to build powerful prayer points for every situation using bible verses. She helped me understand the significance of my prayers and the way my words impact my spirituality. What she has taught me has elevated my communication with God and has become an unprecedented source of strength in my life.
In the past 4 years, Becky has coached and encouraged me in my prayer walk. Before I started praying with her, my prayer life was not as intentional as it is today. She coached me to be focused in my prayers in order to break strongholds and generational curses in my family. She has helped me understand fervent and earnest prayer and I feel so empowered in my prayers.
Partnering with Becky in prayer is taking prayer to a new and different level. I was in her prayer group
for over five years and her coaching moved my prayer life into a higher spiritual level - she has equipped me to build prayer strategies that destroy the enemy on the spot. Her influence through her relentless teaching and prayer coaching has transformed me. If you want an action guide to practical and effective prayer, I encourage you to engage with Coach Becky immediately.
Before I met Coach Becky, I lacked focus and direction in prayer. She has helped me step out of my
ordinary way of praying to the extraordinary with the power of strategic prayer. Through her teaching, I have grown spiritually and I pray focused prayers and see God’s answers. I recommend Becky highly if you want to become a victorious prayer warrior, increase your faith, and receive answers to your prayers.
Prayer - What It Isn't & What It Is written by Becky Jarrett
Get Equipped with the tools to understand what kind of father God is
• Increase your confidence in prayer
• Teach your loved ones these truths & Build a strong foundation
•Pray effectively
• And so much more!